Public Records Online Search Procedure

By Claire Dowell

The earliest organized societies and ancient civilizations have established means of archiving events, quarrels, scientific discoveries, and taxation policies. Examples of these deeds can be found among the ruins of ancient Babylonian, Aztec, and Egyptian structures and artifacts. Such activities have been passed on from generation to generation, and have helped establish our identities as a people and the world as we know it.

Public records are any forms of media that contains important data, and are preserved by the government for its informational value. Furthermore, these documents are made available to the general public for a handful of uses. Examples of public records include documentations of vital statistics such as births, marriages, deaths and divorces, criminal records, census reports, government spending reports, and public documents, among others.

The multiple implications and uses of public documents in most legal and statistical processes is the reason why they are considered as such. For instance, background checking of potential employees via asking for their criminal record is standard protocol amongst companies and workplaces in order to prevent likely liabilities. Moreover, vital records such as marriage licenses and divorce records are commonly procured for a number of processes, such as to formally declare the legalization of a marriage and a divorce, after the approval of the appropriate authorities. Public records in the form of government transparency reports also allow healthy scrutiny from the populace. Studies regarding demographic and socioeconomic trends can also be done by utilizing the data contained within public records.

Matters concerning public records in the United States are guided by the Freedom of Information Act. Furthermore, different states implement different rules regarding public records according to their own take on the said legislation. These diversities range from strict to lenient guidelines in obtaining copies of any public record.

Included in the diverse legislations that surround the distribution, maintenance and protection of public records are the institutions tapped by the State Government as the primary repository for public registers. Approaches are either centralized or decentralized, on a state or county level. The usual repositories tapped by State Governments are State Departments of Health, Justice and Public Safety on a state level, and Offices of the District Clerk, Local Courthouses, and Sheriff's Offices on a county level.

Human nature dictates man to seek out new ways to improve living conditions. The technical revolution that is the 21st century, led by the Internet, has successfully pacified this demand. The Internet's use has transcended from simply being a communication and information highway. Nowadays, almost all goods and services known in existence can now be purchased online and conveyed the next day. With the objective of serving more end-users and individual requests, services concerning records searches have made their way in the World Wide Web, thanks to government agencies and independent record retrieval providers. Public records search is one of the most common search deeds done via the Internet because of the fast turnaround of results, without conceding quality.

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