Natural Disaster Communications And Survival Tips

By Eric Holm

What are your plans for communications in an emergency situation? This should be a question asked in any emergency preparedness plan whether it's for your family, office, warehouse, shop, hospital, stadiums or other large event gatherings, church, schools, etc...

Those who watch the news will quickly begin to understand how important communications are during emergencies. Floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and many other situations can crop up suddenly and without warning. One would be wise to prepare beforehand with an adequate plan. A huge problem in this regard is that land lines and cell phones tend to lose functionality. The electricity may also stop working. When this happens, there are some tools and other supplies that can be important. Battery powered radios and flashlights, for instance, should always be on hand.

It is comforting to know that most people won't be affected by a hurricane in Florida or an earthquake in California, or a tornado in Kansas. However, it is also impossible to predict disaster. Therefore, it is best to be prepared. Build your emergency communications kit before something happens that might necessitate the need for it. In the event of a complete failure of land and cell phone technology, you will need a way to communicate with your family, friends and neighbors. In this situation you would be best served by a bull horn, hand held radios and survival whistles. Being able to convey your position through the use of sound is invaluable in an emergency.

It is smart to have a plan in place with your family in the case of an emergency. Tools and supplies like the aforementioned bull horn, hand held radios and survival whistles are just the start of your plan for communications in an emergency situation. Investing in an am/fm solar powered or transistor radio is essential. Look for models that include speakers so that you can stay abreast of news and information about the emergency situation. A radio can be a lifesaver. Knowing which roads are closed or blocked and where emergency personnel are located can help you and get your family to safety as quickly as possible.

Some battery and solar powered radios are equipped with a siren, which is a good thing to have in your survival tool kit. Again, making noise can save your life. It can alert rescue personnel to your location. The best preparation is one that is thought out before it is needed.

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