Understand The Global GOLD Strategy

By Young Lindsay

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a global problem whose intervention has been increased through regular reporting since 2001. The global GOLD strategy was developed to streamline efforts aimed at diagnosis, management and prevention of this disease. Several reports have been released since the initiative was launched. The latest is that of 2014 which makes several considerations.

The recommendations made by the 2014 report include a new approach to management. This comes from findings made by professionals and researchers working in the field and commissioned to give feedback. The paradigm used in treatment should however be maintained. There is a delicate balance between the two aspects. It requires understanding to master these aspects.

The issues that have been assessed until the report was released include the level of symptoms for the patient, the risk of exacerbation in future, how severe the spirometric abnormality is and the identification of comorbidities. The report targets health care professionals who are directly involved in care for affected patients. It takes to account the structure of health care service delivery in an area.

The design of the quadrant management tool is based on a clinical setting. The symptoms of each patient are recorded as well as the risk of a serious health event in future. Further evaluation of this plan is being based on more evidence. There are different committees tasked with evaluating the evidence and making recommendations for change.

The team that has developed the strategy comprises of distinguished scholars and scientists working in reputable institutions. Their professional diversity makes the evidence reliable and offers a variety of areas to base findings. There is a global perspective to this intervention.

A multisectoral approach has been adapted to include governments, institutions and professionals in the health sector. The aim is to create awareness among health workers, national leadership, health care providers and the general population on the burden that comes with COPD. This will simplify early detection, prevention and management.

The reports released on regular basis aim at improving the quality of information available to professionals and the public. The main objectives target treatment and exposure of severity levels. It is worth noting that treatment has been very effective so far. The intervention measures have given positive results that are very encouraging.

Patients are classified based on how severe their condition is. Some are headed to hospitals based on their extent of their illness. Each patient bears a personal burden that is sometimes difficult to generalize. The quality of health, level of exercise and breathlessness determine how a patient copes with the disease. Regular updates made from one report to the other provide a better ground for improved intervention.

The global approach to intervention is advantageous since patients can gain from the findings of other regions. This explains the participation of more professionals from different parts of this world. Professionals in health care are favoring personalized treatment.

Committees tasked with developing the reports insist that each patient should get individualized therapy. It is said to be the fourth largest killer in the world yet it is preventable and treatable. The aim of intervention measures is to prevent premature death that comes when the disease advances or from related complications. Research is ongoing in this regard.

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