Bobby Jain Credit Suisse: Will Amazon Benefit From Physical Stores?

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

Amazon is well-known in the name of online retail and it is understandable as to why. Everyone knows about the store itself and how it has been able to bring various types of goods, the Kindles included, into the mix. However, with news of Amazon about to bring its efforts into the brick-and-mortar sector, it's clear that Bobby Jain Credit Suisse and others will be focused. Given the weight of Amazon, as a name brand, no one can argue that this is a story worth observing.

Amazon made the announcement that it will start to bring "pop-up" store locations to cities in the California area. For those who'd like more details, these stores will be, more or less, the same as kiosks which will be able to present items like the popular Kindle Fire. However, consumers who take notice of these stores will actually be able to purchase these items right then and there. It's a strong opportunity, not only for consumers but for Amazon as a whole.

When it comes to specific locations, it's been said that one of the first kiosks will show up at a location referred to as the Westfield San Francisco Centre. I believe that starting things off at a mall will be for the best because it does not require as much commitment on Amazon's end. The company will be able to see how well the kiosk in question is doing. One can consider this a proving ground of sorts and one that Amazon may potentially benefit from.

I am of the opinion that, in time, other kiosks can start to sprout in other parts of the world. Of course, this can only be done if there is success to be had, which is a point that Bobby Jain Credit Suisse can draw attention to. Not only has Amazon been able to prove itself as a name in retail but it goes without saying that many of its consumers have, at the very least, envisioned what a chain of Amazon brick-and-mortar stores could be. As names like Robert Jain may agree with, a business move like this is a step in the right direction.

One has to wonder if a concept like this will come to fruition with a level of success typically associated with Amazon. Few can argue with the fact that Amazon, for the most part, has the online retail market locked because of its tremendous level of success. Nonetheless, the more traditional market is a different beast and it has to be approached in a certain way. It's clear that Amazon has its goals and time will tell if said goals are ultimately met.

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