Choose Your Plastic Recycling Solutions Wisely

By Genevive B. Mata

There are so many different things that we use every day that are made from plastic but one does not seem to notice. Many industries that make them are helping to come up with plastic recycling solutions in order to keep our planet healthy. This recycling of mainly thermoplastics is a fairly simple process and is also safe for the environment.

There are two main groups of the polymer family and they are the Thermoplastics and the Thermosets. The Thermoplastics will soften when they are heated and will again harden once cooled. The Thermosets however will always remain hard and can never be re-softened again. Methane also gets released into the atmosphere causing global warming.

Any material or plastics will be collected from designated spots as well as businesses and households and tied together into large bales. Some of them can weigh as much as five hundred and fifty kilograms in weight. Once this has been done the bales will then be transported to a reclaiming company.

The ABS or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is a very durable and strong compound and is used in many different industries. They are shock resistant and are used in different forms of demo units. It is of a solid form and colour can be easily added such as green, steel gray as well as white and yellow.

It is important that plastics get recycled as it can take many years for them to biodegrade. With this method it can help to extent the usefulness of something that has already served its purpose by making it into something else that can be used again. When re using products it will help to lower the cost of making new goods.

There are two different ways to dispose of these items. The first is waste collection points which are set up along the roads or in parking lots. The other is at drop-off centres where one can take more than one type of this material to be disposed of safely.

Once can help to recycle them in the home by giving them a good rinse preferably a few times. Remove the caps and any item that is glued onto the bottle. Deposit them into a specially marked bin that can be found on the curb of the road where they will be collected. From there they will be melted down and made into other products to be re-used all over again.

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