Cerebral Palsy Support Groups For Parents

By Jayne Rutledge

Having a child with a disability can make life much more challenging for any parent. They are thrown into a world they knew nothing about and will have to find their way around. Being able to ask for help is an important skill that many will need to learn for the first time in their lives. Cerebral Palsy support groups for parents have branches all over the country and offer a wide range of services for those families who so desperately need their help.

As soon as a baby is born the medical staff begin to check for any signs of difficulties or problems. They score the child's condition on the Apgar Scale, which checks for such things as reflexes and muscle tone. If there are any abnormalities these can be a sign of a cognitive condition and should be investigated immediately.

Getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial as services should begin as soon as possible. Most children will qualify for the full range of services such as speech, physical and occupational therapy, plus any necessary medical treatment. These services can really make a huge difference in their future and help them prepare for school.

It may take the new parent some time to get over the shock of hearing the news. No one can prepare for the devastating news that their child has a life long condition that cannot be cured. However, they must focus on the positive and learn that there are many services and therapies available that will help their child to lead a very full life.

The first few days and weeks are usually the hardest time for the new family. They must adjust to the new reality of having a special needs child and all that entails. Networking with others in the same situation is one of the most important things they can do. Not only will they receive much needed emotional support, they will also get practical help to enable them to cope with the day to day struggles and challenges.

Other parents can always offer practical help and suggestions. Everything from vaccinations, to potty training and educational programs can be addressed and the respondents will give a host of ideas. The family can then pursue whichever solutions they feel are most practical to their particular situation.

Once they start to develop a routine things typically get better. The parent will realize that things are not as bleak as they may have appeared at first. Their baby will begin to smile and laugh just like every other child. This will make all their hard work worth while and give their battered spirits a huge boost.

Other families can help by pointing new parents in the right direction. For example those who are facing medical issues may need advice about which hospitals offer the best services. As their child gets older they will have questions about the best school districts. All these questions and many more can be addressed by Cerebral Palsy support groups for parents.

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